Three Weeks In

2019 No Buy Year

I went into this with the intention of posting every day. As you can tell, I have failed miserably at that aspect. However, I am still going strong despite all the temptations to do otherwise. I’ve been watching many No Buy/Low Buy videos on YouTube, and I’ve seen where some struggle much like I have, and some who say it’s been easy-peasy. Well… ouch? But not really. I went into this already knowing I have a major addiction to spending money, in particular with shopping for makeup and inconsequential stuff. Now, I’m not saying I’ve been perfect. I’ve definitely bought some stuff I don’t “need,” but things I hope will help me in the long run. I bought a piece of exercise equipment for home and the Apple TV box thing. Okay, the Apple TV thing was a total splurge and I could definitely do without it, but I’ve been wanting it for a long time and I saw an opportunity, so I took it.

Moving on…

I attempted to do a makeup purge. Again. Even so, I sit here with the pile of stuff I am (or was) willing to get rid of on a shelf in my bookcase considering just sorting it back into my storage system. It’s not like I need to get rid of it or I’m hard-up for the money that it could potentially bring me if I sold it on Poshmark or MUABS, or even sent it to Glambot (these are all possibilities for me, ya know). I mean, I’ve already spent the money on this stuff, it’s not like getting rid of it is going to somehow bring back all that money. Plus, I’m a grown-ass woman. It’s mine. Decluttering and the Marie Kondo stuff aside, it sparks joy in me whenever I pull it out and hold it, swatch it, do a quick “play” look with it. I think I’m going to keep it. Remind me that I should one day post images of my makeup collection, then you can collectively roll your eyes at me the same way I do at myself.

I also considered, and maybe still am but not to the same degree, getting rid of some of my Funko Pop collection. I had a bunch of friends online all interested, and I was super down for it. All this happened at work, while I was sneaking onto Twitter and talking about it. But, as soon as I get home and look at the shelves piled with the little guys, I get a panic attack about packaging them all back up and then shipping them off to other homes. I don’t know, as much clutter as they add to my room, I just can’t seem to get to the step of actually selecting which ones can go. I get caught up on all the time I’ve spent hunting down certain ones, on how much I love the characters and I don’t care if I have two or three of the same character (not the same pop, but the same character). I feel like I’d need to go through a full adoption process to let any of them leave, quite honestly. Background tests, credit checks, you name it.

I definitely can’t get rid of my books. I have my TWD comic/book collection, my Sherrilyn Kenyon collection, and just a half shelf of various other books. Most of my library is in ebook format, which I’m totally fine with. DVDs and Blu Ray discs are totally not going anywhere, not that I’d even consider that. Some of those discs I had to seriously work hard to find and get my hands on.

I’ve heard that buying more storage leads to getting more stuff, because then you find you have all this room and you subconsciously feel the need to fill it all up. But, I swear (and I’m sure loads of people say this as well), if I had better, or more storage, I could actually put things away in homes and feel much less burdened by the stuff hanging out on my desk and on my bookshelves. That really is the main aspect of what I call my clutter.

Getting back to the point, which is my No Buy, I’m going to say that not a lot has changed since my last post. Makeup-wise, I’ve filled up countless shopping carts only to close the page and walk away. These were things I told myself I needed, but when I saw that final dollar amount on what I’d spend, I just said no. It’s a freeing feeling, a wonderful feeling, a feeling of validation, pride, and general wellness. I still have a mental list of things I am seriously willing to break my No Buy and get. The Urban Decay Naked Reloaded looks beautiful, despite the general online opinion that it’s boring and Urban Decay isn’t what they used to be. But it’s right up my alley as far as shades. I’m a neutral girl, bright colors scare the bejeezus out of me. It’s not like I’d ever wear them in my day-to-day life. That’s one on my list, the only one actually. At this moment, there’s not much else I really want. I’ve seen lots of pretties that I give a second look to, but nothing that screams at me like the Naked Reloaded. We’ll see how I do on this. Will I hold out or not?

Plus, my goal isn’t to go through this No Buy and then in January 2020 suddenly spend $5k getting everything I’ve put off. That’s not healthy and totally defeats what this year is about – training my brain to not need or want to go out and get the latest new thing immediately even though I don’t need it.

Stick with me, folks. Support is much appreciated!

Three Weeks In